Mccomb Students

EHU – Making the most of the services and opportunities available

11 February 2019
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McComb Students

McComb Students

There are a wide range of services provided by Edge Hill University that you can make the most of whilst studying here. There is something for everyone to get involved in and there are many people to speak to if you need help with finance, accommodation and much more. So, make the most of the countless services and opportunities available to make your student life easier and enjoyable.

Student Support:

  • Careers- Advice, information, and guidance about career options, job applications, and the events and workshops.
  • Counselling- The Counselling team offers a wide range of services free of charge to Edge Hill students and staff.
  • Disability support- Inclusion Team and The SpLD Support team support learners with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and sometimes ADHD.
  • Health and wellbeing- The Health and Wellbeing team offer support and advice to all students, in relation to any issue which may be impacting on their wellbeing.
  • International student support- Advice and support for international students before you arrive, while you are here, and after you leave.

Get Involved:

  • Campus sport- Memberships, facilities, activities, swimming, fitness classes and much more!

  • Language centre- Learning a language as part of your degree, conversation exchange schemes and even evening classes!

  • Students’ Union- Edge Hill Students’ Union, Information about Societies, Events, Trips, Advice, Representation and more!
  • Volunteering- Wide range of opportunities, from volunteering your local area or even abroad!


  • Bursaries- If you are studying on a teaching or health and social work programme, you may be eligible for a bursary.
  • Scholarships- You could possibly win a scholarship by sharing your talent, a fantastic way to celebrate your hard work and achievements!
  • Tuition fees- These pages provide comprehensive information about tuition fees and funding for prospective UK and EU students.
  • Money advice- The Money Advice Team are based in Catalyst. They offer advice on all money-related matters including student funding, budgeting and the Student Support Fund.


  • On-campus accommodation- Accepted/Conditional/Un-conditional offers for undergraduates
  • Off-campus accommodation finder- List of private sector vacancies registered with the University
  • Post and parcels- Where and where you can collect post and parcels
  • Register games console for a wired internet connection- Students living in some halls can register to connect a games console to the wired network
  • Report a job to FM- Report and track a building maintenance fault or repair


  • Module choices
  • Examination timetables
  • Placements
  • Results
  • Student record
  • Complaints
  • Booking student rooms in the catalyst

Hope you’ve found this useful and thank you for reading.

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