Mccomb Students

Five Ways Of Getting A Job After Uni

01 February 2018
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McComb Students

McComb Students

1) Decide on a career path and devote yourself to it!

Employees don’t want general applications make sure you chose a career or path that suits your interest the most, you have the relevant skills and experience and that you can show a passion and knowledge for.

2) Don’t think about your first job as your only ever job

Many graduates believe that there first job will determine their career. It wont you will change from having your first job. Work will change you so try and think about what you can imagine yourself doing in the next 12-24 months rather than what you want to do in the next 10 years. Don’t be afraid to make decisions that may not always work. You can only learn.

3) Harness the power of Social media

Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook can be used to find jobs. LinkedIn in particular and make sure you have a professional profile you can use for extensive networking. Most employees before interviewing you will look at your social media so be careful what you post.

4) Take charge of your job search

It is important to see your graduate job search as a continuous process this can be made easier by knowing your own skills and interests but also knowing the values of the company you want to work for match your values.

5) Don’t give up on your dream job

With high competition for UK graduate jobs It will be easy to feel disheartened when applying and looking for jobs. The key is don’t give up even if it involves going through different stages and levels to eventually get the job of your dreams

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