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9 January 2018

How to Get Motivated to Study

Student Life

Happy New Year everyone! Hope you’ve all had a great time celebrating and are enjoying the holidays.

Or are thinking, what holidays? Now that the celebrations are over, I’m sure you’re panicking about your assignments and exams.

It’s the start of a new year and everyone has their own goals to achieve. Whether it’s to start studying or keep fit. It’s always so difficult to just make a start, especially after Christmas. Now, it’s time to get back on track but if you are struggling, hopefully, this post can help you get motivated.

Prepare your workspace

Find what works best for you. Whether it’s in a loud area, listening to music or in complete silence. I personally prefer working in the library by myself as I won’t be distracted talking to my friends and can quietly concentrate on my work. Others prefer working in their rooms at their flat/home in a comfortable place. For me, I know I’ll just procrastinate. A clear desk space works best for me.

Remove distractions

Keep anything away from you that you know will stop you from doing your work, whether it’s your phone or your friends. Wear comfy clothes (not too comfy that make you feel lazy or fall asleep).

Plan & Organise

Plan what you are going to be studying and have your stationary and materials ready to avoid wasting time. Make lists and prioritise your tasks. It is important to set goals and realistic times as to what needs to be completed by when. Your organisation and time management will help you to actually get your work done.

Reward yourself

It’s important to have regular breaks. Some people like to keep snacks and water whilst studying. You are probably more likely to do your work if you have an end reward such as working all day to go out in the night.

Be positive

Think of benefits and the end term reward. Try not to focus on the negatives, it will only stop you from making a start.

Start now

Don’t start in an hour or tomorrow. Stop waiting and start working. DO IT NOW. Don’t procrastinate. The hardest thing to do is to start but once you have got started, everything else gets easier.

Get support

If you are struggling with anything, there is always help and support available.

Get enough sleep

You may have heard this way too many times, but it’s true. A good night’s sleep can make such a difference. You won’t feel tired or lazy the next day. Starting work early morning is a great way to begin, you’ll only be steps away from reaching your goal.

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas!

Hope this has been useful. If you have any questions, feel free to email me on

By Roshni Dhodakia

I am a third-year student at Edge Hill University, studying English Language. I hope that my blog posts are enjoyable and useful. Feel free to ask me any questions or leave me any suggestions. I hope to hear from you soon and thank you for reading!

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