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23 January 2019

January Resolutions


We all make the little promise to ourselves that when the clock hits 12, we will change one aspect of our lives for the better. For many people this is eating well, going to the gym, giving up chocolate, or even doing dry January. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out how to continue your resolution long-term so here are a few ideas on helping you with your new year’s resolutions.

Weightwatchers / WW

There are a few classes held around Ormskirk and it is a great way to start getting ahead with eating healthier. You can find details of the classes below:

Tuesday 6pm Ormskirk Parish Church, L39 3RD

Thursday 10am Guide HQ, Green Lane, L39 1ND

Slimming World

If WW isn’t for you then slimming world holds a number of classes at the Ormskirk Rugby Union Football Club, L39 1ND. Details of classes are also below:

  • Tuesday  17:30-19:30
  • Wednesday 09:30-11:30

Making small changes

Going to slimming classes isn’t for everyone, but there are other ways that you can make your lifestyle better just by making a few slight changes here and there.

  • Swap white pasta for whole-wheat pasta.
  • Swap plain jacket potatoes for sweet potatoes.
  • Swap fruit juice for the fruit itself.
  • Use Olive Oil for Olive Oil Spray
  • Boil your Eggs instead of frying.
  • Swap a deep crust for a thinner crust on your pizza.
  • …and simply just getting out and about. If you’re stuck for something to do, then ask a mate to go for a walk! Or choose to walk to the train station instead of driving. Swapping a 5-minute drive for a 10/15 minute walk can be extremely beneficial in leading a much healthier lifestyle.


This is something that I have started this year. Open up a separate bank account and give yourself an allowance for each week, allowing for some small or large saving (whatever your goal is). Transfer your weekly allowance every Sunday and once it’s gone – it’s gone. Stop yourself transferring more money. Even better, leave your card at home and only take the card with your allowance out with you. That way you can’t be tempted by any sneaky McDonald’s trips that will come out of your savings. This has proved to be very beneficial to me, making sure that I have enough money left at the end of the month to continue to be social and go out as I usually spend it all very early on!

Have you made any new year’s resolutions this year?

How are they going as we enter the final weeks of January?

Do you have any other tips for keeping on track with your resolutions?

Then let us know on Instagram @mccombstudents!

Thanks for reading!


By Alex Greenalgh

Hi! I’m Alex Greenhalgh and I am a second year at Edge Hill University studying Primary Education with QTS, and yes, I know I’m mad for going into that profession… (I’ve heard all the jokes) but I am keen to make a difference to the lives of the next generation. When I am not in University I enjoy cooking, gaming and the university students’ staple pass time, ‘spoons. My interests will be reflected with my blogs as they will have a strong focus on cooking. I understand the struggles and the endless trawls through Aldi looking for the best bargains, so I want to pass on a few insights into how cooking can be fun, inexpensive and tasty! I really do hope you enjoy reading my blogs!

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