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13 September 2018

Moving In with McComb

Student Life

September Time…

It’s that time of the year where summer is just a mere memory and the reality of the hard work ahead hits you square in the face. For many students, moving to university is now very real for them, and many others are looking forward to returning to Ormskirk and being seconds away from their friends again!

Moving in with McComb…

Moving in was a piece of cake with McComb Students. We all met at their offices not far from the accommodation and got the move-in paperwork. After getting our keys and a little welcome speech from Sophie and Makayla we were shown to our rooms. The McComb team were on hand all day for any problems or questions we had and were available to reach via e-mail right until the end of the day.

Exploring Ormskirk…

Whilst your first night might be a bit more of meeting your flatmates and getting some rest after the long move in rather than going out and exploring, rest assured that there are numerous bars around Ormskirk for you to try from the classic Wetherspoons to the Beachy Dinky Dory’s. When it comes to food you are treated with plenty of restaurants and takeaways around town to try, from Ormskirk’s own take on Nando’s, ‘Piri Piri’, to The Cricketers which serves traditional yet stylish pub classics. Ormskirk has plenty for you to try!

If you have any further questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me at:


By Alex Greenalgh

Hi! I’m Alex Greenhalgh and I am a second year at Edge Hill University studying Primary Education with QTS, and yes, I know I’m mad for going into that profession… (I’ve heard all the jokes) but I am keen to make a difference to the lives of the next generation. When I am not in University I enjoy cooking, gaming and the university students’ staple pass time, ‘spoons. My interests will be reflected with my blogs as they will have a strong focus on cooking. I understand the struggles and the endless trawls through Aldi looking for the best bargains, so I want to pass on a few insights into how cooking can be fun, inexpensive and tasty! I really do hope you enjoy reading my blogs!

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