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4 January 2021

New Year, Same You!


Although this has been one crazy year, I’m a sucker for seeing the positives in everything and even though the majority of the year has been spent in isolation, for me, and I’m sure at least some of you may agree, it has also been a year full of self-reflection, time spent working on my goals, and spending quality time, you wouldn’t normally get as much of, with my loved ones so it hasn’t all been bad! However, here’s hoping 2021 is the end of Covid so we can all resume some normality and have a proper night out (PLEASE!).

With this being my last blog of the year, I thought it would of course be fitting to do a blog focussing on New Year/ 2021. We’ve all heard the phrase ‘New year, New you’ and probably all fell victim for it as well, BUT ive decided after the year everyone has had not to put pressure on myself. So, I’m scrapping new years resolutions, and adopting the mindset, new year, same me. I will still work hard on my goals and better myself, just without the pressure of resolutions that I feel the need to stick to, then feel a failure if I don’t, and I’m inviting you to join me!

It’s so easy at the end of the year to list all the negatives about ourselves, what we didn’t achieve throughout the year and then a long list of things we want to achieve throughout the next, and it tends to be a very similar list every single year, ‘lose weight’ ‘start the gym’ ‘save money’ ‘stop procrastinating with my uni work’ and the truth is most New Year’s resolutions are not successful long-term and instead result in guilt, shame, anxiety, and self-hatred just a couple of months into the year once we have already ‘failed’ at everything we set out to do. So, what about the things we DID achieve, why do we never praise ourselves going into a new year on the good things that have happened to us or the good things we have made happen? I’m not saying having goals or ambitions is a bad thing, I have many, I just think these shouldn’t be tied to ‘New year’s resolutions’ and should be something that is worked on year-long, decided at any time, from the right place, for the right reasons. If you decide you want to set your mind on a new goal and its July, THEN GO FOR IT! but remember to make and reach these goals because of intrinsic motivation rather than extrinsic motivation!

So, this New year I challenge you to instead of making a list of things you must accomplish in 2021, make a list of all the things you have already accomplished, all the things you genuinely love about yourself and DON’T want to change, some of mine are:

  • I love how much I care for people and would always do anything to see other people happy.
  • I love how people love eating my bakes!
  • I love how much joy I get out of writing blogs which could potentially help at least one person!
  • Now do yours and keep adding to the list as the year goes on!

To finish my blog, I wanted to end on a general reflection, something I seen on the internet which I think is very relevant right now:

‘This year is almost gone. Not all our friends and family made it. Never take for granted the people you love. Be thankful for today, because in one moment, your entire life could change’

So, remember, do not put pressure on yourself, you are already great, you are capable of great things, you are worthy. Don’t be a ‘New’ you, be the same you and build on who you already are!

Happy New Year, Stay Safe X

By the McComb Bloggers

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