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26 July 2023

Staying active & healthy during the Summer


McComb Students  wants to help you make the most out of your summer break! It’s essential to make the most of this time by staying active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. After a long academic year of studying and late-night cram sessions, the summer break offers an excellent opportunity to rejuvenate, both physically and mentally. In this blog, we’ll explore some practical tips and ideas to help you stay active and healthy during the summer break, ensuring you return to university feeling refreshed and ready to take on new challenges.

Embrace Outdoor Activities
The UK boasts a wealth of breath-taking landscapes, parks, and coastal regions. Make the most of the warm weather and longer days by engaging in outdoor activities. From hiking in national parks like the Lake District to cycling along scenic routes, there are countless opportunities to explore the beauty of nature while keeping yourself active and fit. Outdoor activities not only help improve physical fitness but also serve as a great way to destress and improve mental well-being.

Join Summer Sports Clubs
Many universities and local communities offer summer sports clubs during the break. Whether you’re an experienced athlete or a complete beginner, these clubs provide a fantastic platform to learn a new sport, make new friends, and stay in shape. Look out for activities like football, tennis, swimming, or even less conventional sports like ultimate frisbee or beach volleyball. Engaging in team sports can also boost social interactions, adding a fun element to your summer break.

DIY Fitness at Home
For those who prefer staying indoors or have limited access to outdoor spaces, setting up a home workout routine can be just as effective. You don’t need fancy equipment to get started; bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, and planks can provide a full-body workout. There are also plenty of online workout classes and fitness apps that offer various exercise routines catering to different fitness levels and preferences.

Mindful Eating and Hydration
Maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for overall well-being. While the summer break may tempt you with various treats, it’s essential to strike a balance. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals. Hydration is equally vital, especially during the hotter months. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water each day to stay hydrated and energized.

Engage in Mindfulness Activities
University life can be demanding, leaving little time for relaxation and self-reflection. The summer break offers an excellent opportunity to engage in mindfulness activities like yoga, meditation, or tai chi. These practices can help reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall mental well-being. Consider attending local classes or following guided sessions online to get started.

Volunteer and Give Back
Another way to stay active and make a positive impact on your community during the summer break is by volunteering. Numerous charities and organizations are always on the lookout for enthusiastic individuals willing to lend a helping hand. Whether it’s participating in a beach cleanup, assisting at a local food bank, or working on community gardening projects, volunteering can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose.

The summer break is a precious time for university students to recharge, explore new interests, and focus on overall well-being. By staying active through outdoor activities or sports clubs, maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in mindfulness practices, and volunteering, you can make the most of your time away from academic responsibilities. Embrace this period as an opportunity to enhance your physical fitness, nurture your mental health, and create lasting memories.

When the new year begins, you’ll feel more energised, motivated, and ready to take on challenges with a fresh perspective. Here’s to a rewarding and healthy summer break!

McComb Students  hope you have the best summer break and we look forward to you heading back to Ormskirk soon!

By Sophie Stevens

Lettings Manager

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