Ormskirk is widely known for its Gingerbread throughout the whole of the North West. The Gingerbread Ladies of Ormskirk helped to make the delicious biscuit a staple of Ormskirk history. Gingerbread has been sold in Ormskirk and surrounding areas since around 1732 and to celebrate this, the town recently held its Gingerbread Festival. To join in with the celebrations, here is a recipe to help you make some delicious Ormskirk Gingerbread.
Recipe by Margaret Ashcroft
What you need:
- 275g/10oz self-raising flour
- 110g/4oz butter (softened)
- 110g/4oz light soft brown sugar
- 2 tbsp golden syrup
- 2 tbsp black treacle
- 2 tsp ginger
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- finely grated rind of half a lemon
The Method: (Makes 40-50 biscuits)
Put the butter, sugar, treacle and spices in a bowl and work together with a wooden spoon.
Add the flour and lemon rind and continue to work together.
When evenly mixed knead gently together.
Roll out to about 5mm thick and cut into 60mm plain rounds.
Put on to greased baking sheets and bake for 15-20 minutes at gas mark 3, 170°C/325°F until turning colour.
If you do end up making some of the famous Ormskirk Gingerbread then share them with us on Instagram @mccombstudents!
Don’t forget to look out for the Gingerbread statues scattered around town!