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1 April 2019

Top Tips: 5 ways to deliver the perfect PowerPoint presentation

Student Life

Whether you are at university or not, I’m sure you have done presentations before or have some coming up. If you are wondering how to make your PowerPoint presentation effective and engaging for your audience, then look no further. This week’s blog post will provide you will top tips to ace your projects and assignments! Here are some 5 easy ways you can achieve this:

1. Consider visuals aspects

  • Use large fonts so that it is clear to see, especially headings and key points
  • Try use minimal colour as it is more aesthetically pleasing and looks more professional too
  • Add relevant images that are related to the subject of your presentation as it can aid the audience to understand the topic
  • Use tables and charts to perhaps illustrate statistics, if you have any as it again helps the audience to clearly see the effects you are showing

2. Keep your points concise

  • You can achieve this by using bullet points as they are an effective way to demonstrate key ideas
  • You can add details to a script or cue cards, if allowed and if not, use the bullet points to guide you and then elaborate on them by memorizing the finer details

3. Keep special effects minimum

  • Keep transitions and animations minimal and simple, overdoing it can sometimes look untidy and unprofessional

4. Practice

  • You can do this in front of your family and friends or even yourself as you will feel more confident when doing the real presentation
  • However, it is completely normal to feel nervous and if you are then trying to fake confidence can really help you! Try not to show others how you are actually feeling and this will help you calm your nerves down and even allow you to feel more comfortable throughout the presentation
  • Consider your tone of voice- try not to sound monotonous although it can be easily done without realising so make sure you practice!

5. Interact with the audience

  • Perhaps include humour if and when appropriate
  • Offer if anyone has any questions at the end
  • Providing handouts can be useful

Hope you’ve found this useful and thank you for reading.

By Roshni Dhodakia

I am a third-year student at Edge Hill University, studying English Language. I hope that my blog posts are enjoyable and useful. Feel free to ask me any questions or leave me any suggestions. I hope to hear from you soon and thank you for reading!

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