Mccomb Students

Top Tips: 5 ways to do well in exams

17 April 2019
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McComb Students

McComb Students

That time of the year has come around yet again… With exam season just around the corner, I’m sure many of you may be panicking! If this is you, do not worry, this week’s blog post is all about how to do well in exams… Follow these top 5 tips and you’ll have nothing to worry about!

1. Turn up to class

  • As obvious as it sounds, it’s always the most obvious thing we forget! Your attendance plays a key role so even though you may have had a late night the day before a 9 am lecture… Make sure you try to turn up to every lecture unless you really do have a valid reason to miss it.
  • Pay attention as there will be vital information regarding content and assessments and especially what is on your exams. Understand what is being taught and note down anything the teacher emphasises as your tutors set your exam so listen carefully!

2. Study smart, not hard

  • Studying properly for 1 hour is more effective with full attention, focus and concentration than 5 hours of revision where you are not focused.
  • It is useful to set time slots for each topic or to aim to finish one or a number of topics each day.
  • It is important you don’t just memorise the information but to actually understand it as this will allow you to relate this knowledge to other concepts.
  • Ensure you summarise your revision at the end as not only will this reiterate what you have already studied but you remember the key points.

3. Take Breaks

  • It is important to take breaks regularly, divert your mind for 5/10 mins and you’ll come back feeling fresh and more focused
  • Revising without breaks can be counterproductive and boring too!

4. Practice

  • I’m sure you’ll have heard this one before… But practice really does make perfect!
  • Practising previous exam questions is an extremely helpful way of revising as you have the opportunity to apply the theory and background knowledge and put it into practice by answering a question similar to your exam.
  • You can also time yourself when answering questions and you’ll be more than prepared for the real exam!

5. Test and evaluate

  • Putting theory into practice is great but don’t forget to check your answers and monitor your progress!
  • This is helpful as you can assess your strengths and weaknesses and know what you can improve on to ensure you achieve the best you can!

Hope you’ve found this useful and thank you for reading.

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