Mccomb Students

Top Tips For Keeping Fit At University

08 November 2021
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McComb Students

McComb Students

Staying fit can be challenging at the best of times. Add to this all the nights out you’ll go on, the coursework deadlines you’ll need to meet, and the temptation to lie on the sofa all day eating pizza – finding the time to work out whilst at uni can be an even bigger mountain to climb.

That’s why, as Ormskirk’s premier accommodation provider, we thought we’d offer a few tips to help you keep fit and healthy whilst studying at Edge Hill University and staying at our student accommodation.

5 easy ways for students to stay fit and healthy

1.    Set yourself realistic targets

Setting some clearly defined goals will help you increase your short-term motivation, track your progress, and support you in achieving your aspirations – especially SMART targets.

SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. An example of a target that follows the SMART principle is “I want to lose 15kg in 12 months”.

The great thing about setting yourself targets like these is that you can start your plan of action and take the necessary steps to achieve them. As they say, hard work pays off.

2.    Join a university sports club

Not only is joining a sports club at uni a great way to improve your fitness levels, but it also allows you to make lots of new friends.

Whilst it depends on the sports team, most clubs train twice a week and have a game day too – meaning you can exercise three days a week whilst thoroughly enjoying yourself and communicating with like-minded people.

If you’re not an overly competitive person, perhaps you could play badminton, do some yoga classes, or join a running group. The £30 million Sports Centre on campus at Edge Hill, comprises an 80-station fitness suite, 8-court sports hall, 25m swimming pool, athletics track and field facilities, and so much more! There’s no excuse not to exercise.

3.    Maintain a balanced diet

Though frequently overlooked, your diet is equally as important as exercise when it comes to staying healthy. And it’s all about getting the balance right.

Whilst there’s no harm having a takeaway every so often and treating yourself to a glass of wine and some choccies, you need to make sure that you’re eating sensibly on the other days.

According to the NHS, your diet should consist of:

  • One-third of carbohydrates – things like potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, cereal, etc.
  • Five portions of fruit or vegetables each day.
  • Everything in moderation. Avoid eating foods with too much saturated fat, salt, or sugar.

Start your day well with a yoghurt, banana, or bowl of porridge. Not only are these breakfast foods good for your health, but they’re also low-cost and super simple to make – even when you’re in a rush to get to your morning lectures.

4.    Keep hydrated

Sandwiched between a carton of fresh orange juice and a can of fizzy pop in the fridge, water is hardly the most appealing option – granted. But it’s guaranteed to quench your thirst faster and curb feelings of hunger, preventing you from snacking in-between meals.

Typically, health experts recommend that we should drink around two litres of water every day. So, whether you’re heading to the gym, studying on campus or at your student accommodation in Ormskirk, consider carrying a bottle of water with you.

The best way to determine if you’re drinking sufficient water is to look at the colour of your urine. It should be a light pale yellow colour. If it’s clear, you’re probably drinking too much. And if it’s a dark yellow, that implies you’re not drinking enough.

5.    Get plenty of sleep

When you have an exam to revise for or an assignment to submit, sleep can be the first thing you sacrifice to ensure you get everything done on time.

It’s recommended that young adults get 7-8 hours every night. Creating a routine and making sure you get enough sleep can benefit you in more ways than one. For instance, you’ll:

  • wake up feeling revitalised and less stressed
  • feel less grouchy
  • reduce your chances of getting sick
  • be able to manage your weight better
  • improve your mental health and well-being


And there you have it. These are our top tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle whilst living away from home and studying for a degree.

If you’re staying at our student accommodation in Ormskirk, here at McComb Students, you’ll only be a short walk from campus. So, instead of hopping on the bus and counting your bus fare, you can put your best foot forward – benefitting from some exercise whilst saving your money for something else.

To find out more about our student lets, call 01695 422 122 or email, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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