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29 March 2021

Why the Catalyst Is Your Best Friend.

Student Life

Edge Hill Catalyst Building

Source: Edge Hill University

Sitting down and studying is one of the many things in life that is easier said than done. Whether we’re prepared to admit it or not, sometimes the journey from bed to desk or even bed to laptop can seem excruciating. So to this, I’d like to stress the importance of study space. A clean desk is one thing, but a desk in an entirely new study space is something entirely different – not to mention beneficial. As Edge-Hill students, we have access to the Catalyst – which is our fancy little name for the library, a sprawling catacomb (though that makes it sound scary and I promise it isn’t) of books, desks and computers with a near palpable atmosphere of productivity. Not convinced? Here’s a list of reasons why the Catalyst is your best friend.

1.Different Floor, Different Vibe

Everyone’s different when it comes to studying, some people need absolute silence and some of us like a little bit of background noise whether that be a podcast, music, or a friend to chat to or act as a soundboard for each other’s thoughts. Which, at first, might conflict with many student’s preconceived notions that a library is a place where silence is neer criminalised, but in the Catalyst, each floor represents a different sound allowance.

The ground floor is free reign for talking with pods and presentation screens for up to eight people, the second floor a little less so and so on and so on until we get to the top floor which is reserved strictly for silent, quiet study. There’s a floor for you whether you’re in the mood for a study-day out with a group of friends, group projects with your course mates, or for solo trips where there’s nothing but work on the agenda.

2. Online Library

Whilst the Catalyst is located conveniently in the centre of campus (visible from the main entrance – It’s a huge building, you’ll know it when you see it) for those commuting at home, or living off-campus and can’t stomach the trip from bed to bus to library, the Catalyst’s stock of books is also available online. Here you can reserve your book from the comfort of your own home and pick it up a later day at your leisure and convenience. Not only this, but the Catalyst also has a catalogue of EBooks you can access for free and read from a screen. The age of physical books is over, though I think they still have a certain charm.

3. 53.3 Degrees Coffee Shop

The 53.3 Degrees Coffee Shop can be found on the ground floor of the catalyst and has an impressive stock of brain foods to sustain you throughout your studies. Whether you’re in the market for a caffeine kick or a snack 53.3 Degrees has you covered. What’s more, the Catalyst is conveniently located just across from the Hub, where everyone’s beloved corner shop Moores is located.

So, as sales-pitchy as this sounds, the Catalyst is a wonderful addition to any Edge-Hill student’s life and is a must for anyone struggling with motivation especially in a time where many of us are stuck in the same place at the same desk, a little change in scenery or even just an excuse to walk to campus can be a wonderful thing for motivation. Plus, it’s always a rewarding feeling to relax after a long day at the catalyst, especially after a caffeine-crash.


By Charlie Smith


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