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19 March 2018

How to balance workload, a job and social life

Student Life

Whether you’re studying at university or not, if you’re a student and you’re struggling, you may be able to relate.

This week’s blog post is all about how to keep the right balance between the workload, a job/placement/work experience and socialising with friends.

There are many things that are important to consider and tips in this post that may be helpful for you.


  • Do not to miss class- you will have to spend more time catching up on all the work after
  • Plan and organise- make lists and prioritise tasks, work ahead and use your time productively


  • Have a job that is close by- you don’t have to waste time travelling plus, it’s cheaper
  • Use summer wisely- get a job then and you may not need to during term time


  • Meet your friends when you don’t have deadlines
  • If you can study with your friends that is even better, that way you can get your work done and socialise with them during revision breaks

Make time for yourself & Don’t over commit

  • Look after yourself- eating and drinking well and getting enough sleep is important as you will feel more energised
  • Don’t overwork or stress yourself out too much- be realistic and manage your time well

Hope this has been useful. If you have any questions, feel free to email me on

By Roshni Dhodakia

I am a third-year student at Edge Hill University, studying English Language. I hope that my blog posts are enjoyable and useful. Feel free to ask me any questions or leave me any suggestions. I hope to hear from you soon and thank you for reading!

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